Hi!Game: Space Clash: The Last Frontier game-rip: -65855514_470375330full gamepack: Game originally was Spanish (still didn't find this version), and was translated only to Russian, German and Italian. I have found only those translations and they are in pack. The game are typical Real-Time Strategy - StarCraft clone, with additional managing armies in space mode with starships before missions.
Space Clash The Last Frontier Full Download
Searching way to hook child process "space.exe" with DxWnd making it widowed too. The game main starting process "clash.exe". When starting Main Campain mode (start game, 1st option) - it starts also "space.exe" - but it starts only in fullscreen mode. Tried manage hook options in DxWnd, but no luck, seems nothing helps. Is there anything to hook such child process?
Despite having no good ADSL line, your case was so intriguing that I downloaded from the RIP link the 100MB pack. Once in a while, we can afford that.The game was one that I purcheased long ago (it was sold at budget price in newsstands) and soon forgotten: at that time I saw no good reason to fight with Starforce potection (the only protection that works also against the legitimate owners!) for a clone of the master StarCraft.Now that I started your RIP (with the fake CD with Starforce disabler, I suppose ...) I see your point.The solution is easy, you need to go through some steps:1) find first good settings for clash.exe and space.exe alone (you can run space.exe without running space.exe). To me, DxWnd default settings seemed good enough, since both started the programs in windowed mode2) Since the two programs space.exe. and clash.exe should run contemporarily, at least for some time, enable multiple program hook in dxwnd global options. (Options -> Global settings -> Allow multiple hooks)2) then set in both space.exe and clash.exe DxWnd settings the "Hook / Extend hook" flag.
I made several tests, but it seems that there's no way to run space.exe unless you start it from clash.exe in fullscreen mode. Also, the behavior in windowed mode seems to change depending on the language, while DxWnd and D3DWindower seem to show the same problems (a game crash at startup, sometimes showing the first spash screen, sometimes even without it).My guess is that there must be some unsupported mode in the way the game does the video rendering, possibly with a direct access to video memory or something like that. Running the game with OllyDBG also shows strange errors leading to exceptions. It won't be an easy job.
Another good news:1. Removed CD protection from all language versions.2. Added Spanish version to pack.3. Replaced space.exe binaries from Italian /Spanish to German (will replace text strings later), because only German and Russian "space.exe" working normally.4. Tested on d3dwindower - it CAN hook all son processes TOO and make "space.exe" windowed - TOO - if i pressed "Play" button in menu, then run the game. But still it always crashes if cursor out of window (on right), because "clash.exe" process always expands itself to screen window, even out of borders.
This is the primary Archive website for accessing all data from the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fieldsprogram, a new initiative of six deep fields centered on strong lensing galaxy clusters drawn fromAbell et al. (1989)and the MACS survey(Ebeling et al. 2001),in parallel with six deep "blank fields" adjacent to these clusters. Please refer to theFrontier Fields project websitefor more general information about the project.We provide here a variety of products, including:Observational data products (images and catalogs)Lens models provided by the communityAlso please visit the Spitzer Frontier Fields websitefor access to all the Spitzer data on the Frontier Fields.All the HST Frontier Fields high-level science mosaics and images provided here have been produced by: The HST Frontier Fields Science Products Team: A. M. Koekemoer, J. Mack, J. Lotz, J. Anderson, R. Avila, E. Barker, D. Borncamp, H. Gunning, B. Hilbert, H. Khandrika, R. Lucas, C. Martlin, S. Ogaz, B. Porterfield, M. Robberto, B. Sunnquist(initial presentations were byLotz et al. 2014, AAS 223, #254.01andKoekemoer et al. 2014, AAS 223, #254.02).Please cite both Lotz et al. (2016, ApJ, submitted) for the survey design paper,and Koekemoer et al. (2016, ApJS, in preparation) for the HST data description paper.Please sign up for our Announcement Email List for notifications of all new products! Send an email to LISTSERV@MAILLIST.STSCI.EDU Subject: leave this blank Body of the email message: subscribe FRONTIERFIELDS-ANNOUNCEMENTS Firstname LastnameCheck your email for an automated message containing a confirmation linkPlease include the following acknowledgement in all publications that make use of these data;Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, retrieved from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under NASA contract NAS 5-26555. Latest news:October 25, 2016: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell 370We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of Abell 370,which completes the full 70 HST orbits for epoch 2 of this cluster from program ID 14038 (PI: J. Lotz),as well as completion of all the observations for the entire Frontier Fields program.The full dataset for this cluster also includes public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging datafrom programs 11108 (PI: E. Hu), 11507 (PI: K. Noll), 11591 (PI: J.-P. Kneib), 13459 (PI: T. Treu),and 14216 (PI: R. Kirshner), which have all been included to provide the most complete full-depthmosaics in the ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program.All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released while this epoch was in progress. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate newbias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and alsoinclude a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (Abell 370 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)In addition, we are working on v2.0 releases for all the Frontier Fields clusters, applyinga variety of processing and calibration improvements beyond the v1.0 releases, including:Improved removal of low-level background flatfield residualsImproved astrometry, including new time-dependent distortion modelsReprocessing using the latest ACS self-calibration algorithms and WFC3/IR time-variable background removal for all dataImproved masking and removal of persistence in the WFC3/IR dataConsolidating all ACS and WFC3 imaging obtained by HST on each cluster (including more recent data, if publicly available) into complete full-depth mosaics.These v2.0 releases will be distributed as soon as the above processing improvements are complete,and will be announced here once they are completed and made available.October 3, 2016: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell 370We are pleased to announce a new v0.5 release for the cluster Abell 370,which completes the full 70 HST orbits for epoch 2 of this cluster from program ID 14038 (PI: J. Lotz),as well as completion of all the observations for the entire Frontier Fields program.The full dataset for this cluster also includes public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging datafrom programs 11108 (PI: E. Hu), 11507 (PI: K. Noll), 11591 (PI: J.-P. Kneib), 13459 (PI: T. Treu),and 14216 (PI: R. Kirshner). These have all been combined to provide the most complete full-depthmosaics in the ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program, whereall data have been fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files. These mosaics haveall been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 370 webpage) -20161003/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)August 29, 2016: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell 370We are pleased to announce the v0.5 release of the new HST mosaics obtained for epoch 2 on the cluster Abell 370,from the first 46 orbits of observations of epoch 2 of this target from our ongoing Frontier Fieldsprogram ID 14038 (PI: J. Lotz), also including public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging datafrom programs 11108 (PI: E. Hu), 11507 (PI: K. Noll), 11591 (PI: J.-P. Kneib), 13459 (PI: T. Treu),and 14216 (PI: R. Kirshner). These have all been combined to provide the most complete full-depthmosaics in the ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program, whereall data have been fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files. These mosaics haveall been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 370 webpage) -20160829/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)July 11, 2016: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell S1063We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of Abell S1063, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (14037, PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on Epoch 2 of this cluster, adding atotal of 24, 12, 10 and 24 orbits respectively with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W on the main cluster, along with a total of 18, 10 and 42 orbits respectively with ACS F435W, F606W and F814W on the parallel field,thus completing the total exposure time of 70 orbits on each field for this epoch. These mosaics also include newarchival data in ACS F435W and F606W from program 14209 (PI: B. Siana) on the parallel field.All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released while this epoch was in progress. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate newbias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and alsoinclude a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (Abell S1063 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)June 11, 2016: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell S1063We are pleased to announce new v0.5 HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of the cluster Abell S1063,completing the 70 orbits of observations from Epoch 2 of ourFrontier Fields program (14037, PI.: J. Lotz), adding22 orbits with WFC3/IR on the main cluster, and with ACS on the parallel field,in addition to existing public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging obtainedin these filters from programs 12458 (PI.: M. Postman) and 13459 (PI.: T. Treu).The products released here are the most complete full-depth mosaics in these filters, where all data havebeen fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files, to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following location: (Abell S1063 webpage) -20160611/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)May 05, 2016: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell S1063We are pleased to announce the first v0.5 HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of the cluster Abell S1063,consisting of the first 48 orbits of observations from Epoch 2 of ourFrontier Fields program (14037, PI.: J. Lotz), adding18, 8, 4 and 18 orbits respectively with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W on the main cluster, along with 18 and 30 orbits respectively with ACS F435W and F814W on the parallel field,in addition to existing public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging obtainedin these filters from programs 12458 (PI.: M. Postman) and 13459 (PI.: T. Treu).The products released here are the most complete full-depth mosaics in these filters, where all data havebeen fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files, to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following location: (Abell S1063 webpage) -20160505/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)April 4, 2016: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of Abell 370We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 1 of Abell 370, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel fieldfor this epioch from our Frontier Fields program (14038, PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth of Epoch 1 obtained with ACS F435W, F606W and F814Won the main cluster, along with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W on the parallel field,and also include public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging obtained in these filters fromprograms 11108 (PI.: E. Hu), 11507 (PI.: K. Noll), 11591 (PI.: J.-P. Kneib), 13459 (PI.: T. Treu), 13790 (PI.: S. Rodney), and 14216 (PI.: R. Kirshner).All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released during this epoch. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate newbias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and alsoinclude a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (Abell 370 webpage) -epoch1/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)March 22, 2016: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of Abell S1063We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 1 of Abell S1063, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (14037, PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth of Epoch 1 obtained with ACS F435W, F606W and F814W on the main cluster,along with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W andF160W on the parallel field, including also all the public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging obtainedin these filters from programs 12458 (PI.: M. Postman) and 13459 (PI.:T. Treu).All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released during this epoch. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate newbias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and alsoinclude a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (Abell S1063 webpage) -epoch1/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)January 21, 2016: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of Abell 370We are pleased to announce the v0.5 release of the new HST mosaics obtained for epoch 1 on the cluster Abell 370,from the first 46 orbits of observations of this target from our ongoing Frontier Fieldsprogram ID 14038 (PI: J. Lotz), also including public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging datafrom programs 11108 (PI: E. Hu), 11507 (PI: K. Noll), 11591 (PI: J.-P. Kneib), and 13459 (PI: T. Treu).These have all been combined to provide the most complete full-depth mosaics in theACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program, where all data havebeen fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 370 webpage) -20160121/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 27, 2015: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of Abell S1063We are pleased to announce the v0.5 release of the new HST mosaics obtained for epoch 1 on the cluster Abell S1063,from the first 50 orbits of observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 14037 (PI: J. Lotz),which also includes archival ACS and WFC3/IR data (programs 12458, PI.: M. Postman, andand program 13459, PI.: T. Treu), to provide the most complete full-depth mosaics in theACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program, where all data havebeen fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell S1063 webpage) -20151127/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)June 29, 2015: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ1149.5+2223We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of MACSJ1149.5+2223, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (13504, PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on Epoch 2 of this cluster, adding atotal of 18, 10 and 42 orbits respectively with ACS F435W, F606W and F814W on the main cluster,along with a total of 24, 12, 10 and 24 orbits respectively with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W andF160W on the parallel field, thus completing the total exposure time of 70 orbits on each fieldfor this epoch, and 140 orbits total for this cluster. In addition, we release updated WFC3/IRmosaics on the main cluster that include new archival WFC3/IR from program 13790 (PI.: S. Rodney).All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we have released during this epoch in May 2015. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate newbias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and alsoinclude a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ1149.5+2223 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)May 29, 2015: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ1149.5+2223We are pleased to announce new v0.5 HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of the cluster MACSJ1149.5+2223,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13504 (PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on Epoch 2 of this cluster, adding atotal of 18, 10 and 42 orbits respectively with ACS F435W, F606W and F814W on the main cluster,along with a total of 24, 12, 10 and 24 orbits respectively with WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W andF160W on the parallel field, thus completing the total exposure time of 70 orbits on each fieldfor this epoch, and 140 orbits total for this cluster. We note that these v0.5 mosaics do not yetinclude older archival data from before this epoch; this is to help facilitate study of transientphenomena, for which the data from this epoch can be compared with older datasets. These mosaicshave all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including correction for time-variablebackground and persistence effects in WFC3/IR, as well as self-calibration processing for ACS, andastrometric alignment to the previous mosaics that have already been constructed for this cluster. Furtherdetails are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ1149.5+2223 webpage) -20150529/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)May 18, 2015: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of MACSJ0717.5+3745, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (13498, PI: J. Lotz).We have combined these data with archival data fromprogram ID 12103 (PI: M. Postman), 13389 (PI: B. Siana), and 13459 (PI.: T. Treu), tocreate mosaics that are intended to contain the full depth of WFC3/IR data on the main cluster and ACS dataon the parallel field. These v1.0 mosaics have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we have been releasing throughout the course of this epoch duringMarch and April 2015. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark currentreference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and also includea set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)April 1, 2015: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce new v0.5 HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of the cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13498 (PI: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on Epoch 2 of this cluster, adding afurther 42 orbits of WFC3/IR imaging in F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W on the main cluster,along with ACS imaging in F435W and F814W on the parallel field, and completing the totalexposure time of 70 orbits on each field for this epoch, and 140 orbits total for thiscluster. We have combined these data with archival data fromprogram ID 12103 (PI: M. Postman), 13389 (PI: B. Siana), and 13459 (PI.: T. Treu), tocreate mosaics that are intended to contain the full depth of WFC3/IR data on the main cluster and ACS dataon the parallel field. These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration,including correction for time-variable background and persistence effects in WFC3/IR, as well as self-calibrationprocessing for ACS, and astrometric alignment to the previous mosaics that have already been constructed forthis cluster. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -20150401/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)March 21, 2015: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce the first new v0.5 HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of the cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13498 (PI: J. Lotz). In this second epoch, the orientation of HST enables the instruments to be swapped, in order to obtainWFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster field and ACS imaging on the parallel field, with a total of 28 orbitsso far that have been obtained from this program during this epoch. We have combined these data witharchival data from program ID 12103 (PI: M. Postman), 13389 (PI: B. Siana), and 13459 (PI.: T. Treu), tocreate mosaics that are intended to contain the full depth of WFC3/IR data on the main cluster and ACS dataon the parallel field. These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration,including correction for time-variable background and persistence effects in WFC3/IR, as well as self-calibrationprocessing for ACS, and astrometric alignment to the previous mosaics that have already been constructed forthis cluster. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -20150321/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)February 2, 2015: HST v1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ1149.5+2223We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 1 of MACSJ1149.5+2223,after the completion of the first epoch of ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on this cluster and its parallel fieldfrom our Frontier Fields program ID 13504 (PI: J. Lotz). These v1.0 mosaicshave been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaics that we have released during the course of this epochfrom November 2014 to January 2015. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark currentreference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and also include a set of mosaics that havebeen processed with the new selfcal approach to better account for the low-level dark current structure.The WFC3/IR v1.0 mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and in addition include aset of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable sky emission that can occur during the orbit andcan otherwise impact the up-the-ramp count-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ1149.5+2223 webpage) -epoch1/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)January 9, 2015: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ1149.5+2223We are pleased to announce new v0.5 HST mosaics for the cluster MACSJ1149.5+2223,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13504 (PI: J. Lotz). The observationsfor this epoch are now complete at a total of 70 orbits, which we have combined into mosaics on the main clusterfield observed with WFC3/IR (F105W, F125W, F140W, F160W) and on the parallel field with ACS (F435W, F606W, F814W).We note that these v0.5 mosaics do not yet include older archival data from CLASH or from other programs;this is to help facilitate study of transient phenomena, for which the data from our program 13504 can becompared with other datasets. All other archival data will be combined together with the Frontier Fieldsdata when we release the full-depth v1.0 mosaics. The current v0.5 mosaics have all been processed beyondthe default pipeline calibration. For ACS,these mosaics incorporate CTE correction and bias destriping, while the WFC3/IR mosaics have been maskedfor persistence, bad pixels, and other detector defects, and also include a set that have been correctedfor time-variable background emission in the IR. All the mosaics are aligned to a common pixel grid, as wellas to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existing catalogs of this field. Further details are providedin the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ1149.5+2223 webpage) -20150109/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current-epoch1/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)December 3, 2014: HST v1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 1 of MACSJ0717.5+3745,after the completion of the first 70 orbits of ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on this cluster and its parallel fieldfrom our Frontier Fields program ID 13498 (PI: J. Lotz). These full-depth v1.0 mosaics also include archivalACS and WFC3/IR data in the Frontier Fields filter set, from programs 9722 and 10420 (PI: H. Ebeling), programs10493 and 10793 (PI: A. Gal-Yam), program 12103 (PI: M. Postman), program 13389 (PI: B.Siana), and program13459 (PI: T. Treu). These v1.0 mosaics have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we have released during the course of this epoch in October and November 2014.For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correctionand bias destriping, and also include a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcalapproach to better account for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0 mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and in addition include a set of mosaics that have been correctedfor time-variable sky emission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can beobtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -epoch1/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)November 28, 2014: First new v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ1149.5+2223We are pleased to announce the release of the first new v0.5 HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ1149.5+2223,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13504 (PI: J. Lotz)in November 2014. We note that these v0.5 mosaics on the main cluster field do notyet include older archival data from CLASH or other programs; this is to help facilitatestudy of transient phenomena, for which these November 2014 data can be compared withearlier data. All earlier archival data will be combined together with the Frontier Fieldsdata when we release the full-depth v1.0 mosaics, after this epoch is completed.The current v0.5 mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration,in order to produce the best possible quality, science-ready full-depth mosaics.For ACS, these mosaics incorporate CTE correction and bias destriping, while the WFC3/IRmosaics have been masked for persistence, bad pixels, and other detector defects. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid, as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ1149.5+2223 webpage) -20141128/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 7, 2014: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce new v0.5 HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13498 (PI: J. Lotz). This release brings the total depth of Epoch 1 data from this program to 62 orbits so far, in addition to archival ACS and WFC3/IR data (programs 9722 and 10420, PI.: H. Ebeling; programs 10493 and 10793, PI.: A. Gal-Yam; program 12103, PI.: M. Postman; program 13389, PI.: B.Siana; and program 13459, PI.: T. Treu). These full-depth mosaics include all these data, and are all astrometrically aligned to the previous mosaics obtained of this target.Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -20141107/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)October 14, 2014: First new v0.5 HST mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ0717.5+3745We are pleased to announce the release of the first new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13498 (PI: J. Lotz),which also includes archival ACS and WFC3/IR data (programs 9722 and 10420, PI.: H. Ebeling;programs 10493 and 10793, PI.: A. Gal-Yam; program 12103, PI.: M. Postman; program 13389, PI.: B.Siana;and program 13459, PI.: T. Treu), to provide the most complete full-depth mosaics in theACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program, where all data havebeen fully reprocessed using the most current calibration files. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce the best possiblequality, science-ready full-depth mosaics. For ACS, these mosaics incorporateCTE correction and bias destriping, as well as a set of mosaics that have beenprocessed with the new selfcal approach to better correct for low-level dark currentstructure. The WFC3/IR mosaics have been masked for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics arealigned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existingcatalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtainedalong with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0717.5+3745 webpage) -20141014/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)September 24, 2014: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of MACSJ0416.1-2403We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of MACSJ0416.1-2403, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (13496, PI: J. Lotz).These v1.0 mosaics have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we have been releasing regularly throughout the course of this epoch duringAugust and September 2014. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark currentreference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and also includea set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)September 5, 2014: Fourth v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496)We are pleased to announce the fourth v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterMACSJ0416.1-2403,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (P.I.: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on the second epoch of this cluster, adding afurther 22 orbits of WFC3/IR imaging in F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W on the main cluster,along with ACS imaging in F606W and F814W on the parallel field, and completingthe total exposure time of 70 orbits on each field for this epoch, and 140 orbits total for thiscluster. In addition to the standard ACS and WFC3/IR mosaics derived from the default calacs andcalwf3 calibration products, we also make available ACS mosaics that include self-calibration toimprove low-level noise, and WFC3/IR mosaics that include correction for time-variable sky background.All the mosaics are astrometrically aligned, as before, to the mosaics that were obtained during theprevious observations of this field. We are producing the fully reprocessed v1.0 mosaicsduring the coming weeks, but are making available these fast-turnaround science-quality v0.5 mosaicsat the moment, in order to facilitate immediate science by the community. Further details are provided inthe readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140905/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)August 28, 2014: Third v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496)We are pleased to announce the third v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterMACSJ0416.1-2403,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (P.I.: J. Lotz).This release adds a further 8 orbits, bringing the total Epoch 2 depth to 48 orbits so far.In this second epoch, the orientation of HST has enabled the the instruments to be swapped, obtainingWFC3/IR imaging on the primary field, and ACS/WFC imaging on the parallel field. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including self-calibration for ACS and correction for time-variablesky background in WFC3/IR, and are all astrometrically aligned to the previous mosaics obtained of this target.Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140828/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)August 15, 2014: Second v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496)We are pleased to announce the second v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterMACSJ0416.1-2403,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (P.I.: J. Lotz).This release adds a further 24 orbits, bringing the total Epoch 2 depth to 40 orbits so far.In this second epoch, the orientation of HST has enabled the the instruments to be swapped, obtainingWFC3/IR imaging on the primary field, and ACS/WFC imaging on the parallel field. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including self-calibration for ACS and correction for time-variablesky background in WFC3/IR, and are all astrometrically aligned to the previous mosaics obtained during Epoch 1 of this target.Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140815/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)August 9, 2014: First week of new HST mosaics for Epoch 2 of MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496)We are pleased to announce the first release of Epoch 2 mosaics obtained for the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403,from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (PI: J. Lotz). In this second epoch, the orientation of HST enables the instruments to be swapped, in order to obtainWFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster field and ACS imaging on the parallel field. In this first week a total of 16 orbitshave been obtained, consisting of 4 orbits each in F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W with WFC3/IR on the main cluster field, alongwith 4 orbits of F435W and 12 orbits of F814W with ACS on the parallel field. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including correction for time-variable sky and persistenceeffects in WFC3/IR, and astrometric alignment to the previous mosaics that have already been constructed forthis cluster. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140809/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)July 23, 2014: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell 2744We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of Abell 2744, after thecompletion of all the ACS and WFC3/IR imaging on the main cluster and parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (13495, PI: J. Lotz), in addition to imaging from programs 11689 (PI: R. Dupke),13386 (PI: S. Rodney), and 13389 (PI: B. Siana).These v1.0 mosaics have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we have been releasing regularly throughout the course of this epoch during May, Juneand July 2014. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark currentreference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and also includea set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to betteraccount for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable skyemission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. Further details areprovided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with allthe mosaics at the following location: (Abell 2744 webpage) -epoch2/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 2)July 10, 2014: Fourth v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for Abell 2744We are pleased to announce the fourth v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz).These mosaics complete the full depth obtained on the second epoch of this cluster, adding afurther 20 orbits of ACS imaging in F435W and F814W on the main cluster, along with thesame number of orbits of WFC3/IR imaging in F105W and F160W on the parallel field, and completingthe total exposure time of 70 orbits on each field for this epoch, and 140 orbits total for thiscluster. In addition to the standard ACS and WFC3/IR mosaics derived from the default calacs andcalwf3 calibration products, we also make available ACS mosaics that include self-calibration toimprove low-level noise, and WFC3/IR mosaics that include correction for time-variable sky background.All the mosaics are astrometrically aligned, as before, to the mosaics that were obtained during theprevious observations of this field. We are producing the fully reprocessed v1.0 mosaicsduring the coming weeks, but are making available these fast-turnaround science-quality v0.5 mosaicsat the moment, in order to facilitate immediate science by the community. Further details are provided inthe readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20140710/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)June 20, 2014: Third v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for Abell 2744We are pleased to announce the third v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz). These mosaics add an additional 16 orbits, bringing the total to 50 orbits obtained so far for Epoch 2(and 120 orbits total for this cluster field). The additional observations are divided evenly between ACS F435W and F814Won the main cluster, and WFC3/IR F105W and F160W on the parallel field. These mosaics have all been processedbeyond the default pipeline calibration, including updated calibration for ACS and correction for time-variablesky background in WFC3/IR, and are all astrometrically aligned to the mosaics that were obtained during the previous observations of this target.Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20140620/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)June 6, 2014: Second v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics for Abell 2744We are pleased to announce the second v0.5 release of Epoch 2 HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz). These mosaics consist of 34 orbits of exposure time from Epoch 2, which is about halfway through. In this second epoch, the orientation of HST has enabled the the instruments to be swapped, in order to begin obtainingWFC3/IR imaging on the parallel field, and further ACS/WFC imaging on the primary field. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including self-calibration for ACS and correction for time-variablesky background in WFC3/IR, and are all astrometrically aligned to the previous mosaics obtained during Epoch 1 of this targetFurther details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20140606/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2) -current-epoch2/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)May 22, 2014: First week of new HST mosaics released for Abell 2744, Epoch 2 (Program 13495)We are pleased to announce the release of the first new HST mosaics obtained for Epoch 2 on the cluster Abell 2744,from the first week observations of the second epoch of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (PI: J. Lotz).In this second epoch, the orientation of HST enables the the instruments to be swapped, in order to begin obtainingWFC3/IR imaging on the parallel field, and further ACS/WFC imaging on the primary field. These mosaics have all beenprocessed beyond the default pipeline calibration, including alignment to the previous mosaics obtained duringEpoch 1 of this target. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20140522/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 2)February 28, 2014: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of MACSJ0416.1-2403We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of MACSJ0416.1-2403, after the successfulcompletion of our first epoch of ACS imaging on the main cluster and WFC3/IR imaging on the parallel field from our Frontier Fields program (13496, PI: J. Lotz), combining also withadditional imaging from the CLASH program 12459 (PI: M. Postman), and from the supernova program 13386 (PI: S. Rodney).These v1.0 mosaics include all the ACS and WFC3/IR primary and parallel data obtained on this field todate, and have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released each week throughout the course of this epoch. ForACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark current referencefiles, along with CTE correction and bias destriping. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition have been corrected for time-variable sky emission that canoccur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. We have also refined theastrometric corrections and masking for satellite trails, bad pixelsand other defects. We also are releasing an additional "beta" reductionof ACS mosaics on the parallel field that have been created with a newself-calibration approach.All the v1.0 mosaics can all be obtained from the following location: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)January 31, 2014: Fourth week of new HST mosaics released for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496, Visits 32-35)We are pleased to announce the release of new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403,from the fourth week observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (PI: J. Lotz), wherewe also include archival ACS and WFC3/IR data on the main cluster from CLASH (program ID 12459, PI: M. Postman).These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce full-depthimages that are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame using catalogsprovided by the CLASH team based on Subaru and HST imaging of the field. (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140131/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)January 24, 2014: Third week of new HST mosaics released for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496, Visits 26-31)We are pleased to announce the release of new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403,from the third week observations of this target, bringing the total to 62 orbits from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (PI: J. Lotz)in addition to archival ACS and WFC3/IR data on the main cluster from CLASH (program ID 12459, PI: M. Postman).These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce full-depthimages that are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame using catalogsprovided by the CLASH team based on Subaru and HST imaging of the field. (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140124/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)January 17, 2014: New HST mosaics released for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496, Visits 12-25)We are pleased to announce the release of new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403,from the second week observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (PI: J. Lotz),which also includes archival ACS and WFC3/IR data on the main cluster (program ID 12459, PI: M. Postman).These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce full-depthimages that are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame using catalogsprovided by the CLASH team based on Subaru and HST imaging of the field. (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140117/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)January 10, 2014: First week of new HST mosaics released for MACSJ0416.1-2403 (Program 13496, Visits 01-11)We are pleased to announce the release of the first new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403,from the first week observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13496 (PI: J. Lotz),which also includes archival ACS and WFC3/IR data on the main cluster (program ID 12459, PI: M. Postman).These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce full-depthimages that are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame using catalogsprovidded by the CLASH team based on Subaru and HST imaging of the field. Further details are provided in thereadme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (MACSJ0416.1-2403 webpage) -20140110/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)December 17, 2013: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 1 of Abell 2744We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of the first epoch of Abell 2744, after the successfulcompletion of 70 orbits of WFC3/IR imaging on the cluster and ACS imaging on the parallel field from ourFrontier Fields program (13495, PI: J. Lotz), as well as 16 orbits of ACS imaging on theparallel field which was provided by program 13389 (PI: B. Siana), together with an additional 2 orbits of WFC3/IR and ACSimaging on the main cluster and parallel fields from program 13386 (PI: S. Rodney), along with the original16 orbits of ACS imaging of the main cluster from program 11689 (PI: R. Dupke).These v1.0 mosaics include all the ACS and WFC3/IR primary and parallel data obtained on this field todate, and have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaicsthat we released each week throughout the course of this epoch. ForACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark current referencefiles, along with CTE correction and bias destriping. The WFC3/IR v1.0mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and inaddition have been corrected for time-variable sky emission that canoccur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-rampcount-rate fitting if not properly corrected. We have also refined theastrometric corrections and masking for satellite trails, bad pixelsand other defects. We also are releasing an additional "beta" reductionof ACS mosaics on the parallel field that have been created with a newself-calibration approach.All the v1.0 mosaics can all be obtained from the following location: (Abell 2744 webpage) -epoch1/ (all v1.0 mosaics for epoch 1)November 29, 2013: New v0.5 HST mosaics released for Abell 2744 (Program ID 13495, all data up to Visit 35)We are pleased to inform you that epoch 1 of the Frontier Fields program of Abell 2744 is now complete, with thelast exposures having been obtained on 28 November 2013. This completes a total of 70 orbits of WFC3/IR imagingon the main cluster and ACS imaging on the parallel field from our Frontier Fields program (13495, PI: J. Lotz),as well as an additional 16 orbits of ACS imaging on the parallel field which was provided by program 13389 (PI: B. Siana),together with an additional 2 orbits of WFC3/IR and ACS imaging on the main cluster and parallel fields from program13386 (PI: S. Rodney), along with the original 16 orbits of ACS imaging of the main cluster from program 11689 (PI: R. Dupke).As with previous weeks, we are publicly releasing our fast-turnaround v0.5 mosaics of all the above data (v0.5-20131129, witha release date of November 29, 2013). Although these mosaics are full-depth and include all the above data, we would like toreiterate that the calibrations for these data are still preliminary, although we have made every effort to ensure that theirquality is as high as possible. During the next couple of weeks we will be working towards the v1.0 release of this dataset,which will include improved persistence correction, bad pixel masking, and time-variable sky treatment for WFC3/IR data,while for ACS we would also include improved bad-pixel masking, updated darks and biases, and possibly also self-calibrationof all the ACS exposures.The new mosaics (2013-11-29) including the full collection of all current data (as well as previousmosaics) can all be obtained at the following links: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20131129/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 27, 2013: Lensing models released for all six clustersWe are pleased to announce the release of the public Frontier Fields lensing maps for all six clusters on the MAST archive: models were produced by five independent groups:M. Bradac (PI) A. Hoag, and collaboratorsClusters as TelescopeS Team (CATS); H. Ebeling (PI), J. Richards, and collaboratorsJ. Merten (co-PI) , A. Zitrin (co-PI), and collaborators;K. Sharon (PI), and collaboratorsL. Williams (PI), and collaboratorsThe MAST site provides interactive interfaces for exploring the kappa, gamma, andmagnification maps at z=1,2,4, and 9; a tool for precise calculations of magnificationsand uncertainties at a given RA, DEC, and redshift; and direct accessto the lensing models. November 22, 2013: Fourth week of new HST mosaics released for Abell 2744 (Program ID 13495, Visits 20-23)We have now released the fourth week of HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,adding an additional 8 orbits on this field from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz; total of 46 orbitsobtained to date) with new data in WFC3/IR (F105W, F140W, F160W) on the main cluster and ACS (F435W, F814W) on theparallel field. The new mosaics (2013-11-22) along with the full collection of all current data (including previousmosaics) can all be obtained at the following links: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20131122/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 15, 2013: Third week of new HST mosaics released for Abell 2744 (Program ID 13495, Visits 10-19)We are pleased to announce the release of the third week of HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,with a total of 38 orbits obtained on this field to date from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz).Together with archival ACS data on the main cluster (program ID 11689, P.I.: R. Dupke) and data fromthe current supernova search program on this field (program ID 13386, P.I.: S. Rodney), this providesmulti-band ACS+WFC3 imaging on the main cluster and parallel fields. Since the last release, 10 new visitshave been obtained, corresponding to 20 orbits of additional exposure time on the main cluster withWFC3/IR (F105W, F125W, F140W, F160W) and on the parallel field.with ACS (F435W, F606W, F814W). The newdata (2013-11-15) along with the full collection of all current data (including previous mosaics)can all be obtained at the following links: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20131115/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 8, 2013: Second week of new HST mosaics released for Abell 2744 (Program ID 13495, Visits 07-09)We are pleased to announce the release of the second week of HST mosaics obtained on the clusterAbell 2744,from the observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz). Together witharchival ACS data on the main cluster (program ID 11689, P.I.: R. Dupke), along with new data that has beenprovided by the current supernova search program on this field (program ID 13386, P.I.: S. Rodney), this providesmulti-band imaging on the main cluster and parallel fields. Specifically, 3 new visits were obtained, for atotal of 6 orbits, adding 4 orbits of WFC3/IR F105W and 2 orbits of F160W on the main cluster, along with2 orbits each of ACS F435W, F606W and F814W on the parallel field. The new data (2013-11-08) along with thefull collection of all current data (including previous mosaics) can all be obtained at the following links: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20131108/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1) -current/ (all current v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)November 2, 2013: First data obtained for MACSJ1149.5+2223 (Program ID 13504, Visit 01)In order to prepare for future supernova follow-up, one visit of pre-imaging was obtained for MACSJ1149.5+2223 on November 2, 2013.This 2-orbit visit (Program ID 13504, PI: J. Lotz, Visit 01) consists of 4 WFC3/IR F160W exposures on the main cluster (total exposure time of 5508 seconds),together with 4 ACS F814W exposures obtained on the parallel field (total exposure time of 5046 seconds). These data are all available here:New data for MACSJ1149.5+2223 (Nov 2, 2013)Pre-existing mosaics for MACSJ1149.5+2223November 1, 2013: First week of new HST mosaics released for Abell 2744 (Program ID 13495, Visits 01-06)We are pleased to announce the release of the first new HST mosaics obtained on the cluster Abell 2744,from the first week observations of this target from our Frontier Fields program ID 13495 (P.I.: J. Lotz),which also includes archival ACS data on the main cluster (program ID 11689, P.I.: R. Dupke),along with new data that has been provided by the current supernova search program on this field (program ID 13386, P.I.: S. Rodney).These mosaics have all been processed beyond the default pipeline calibration, in order to produce full-depthimages that are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame (which was obtainedfrom Subaru I-band imaging provided by N. Okabe, and described further in Merten et al. 2011, MNRAS 417, 333).Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following link: (Abell 2744 webpage) -20131101/ (latest v0.5 mosaics for epoch 1)October 17, 2013: First data obtained for MACSJ0717.5+3745 (Program ID 13498, Visit 01)In order to prepare for future supernova follow-up, one visit of pre-imaging was obtained for MACSJ0717.5+3745 on October 17, 2013.This 2-orbit visit (Program ID 13498, Visit 01) consists of 4 ACS F814W exposures on the main cluster (total exposure time of 5246 seconds),together with 4 WFC3/IR F160W exposures obtained on the parallel field (total exposure time of 5708 seconds). These data are all available here:New data for MACSJ0717.5+3745 (Oct 17, 2013)Pre-existing mosaics for MACSJ0717.5+3745October 16, 2013: First Community Lensing Models Released for Abell 2744The first set of lensing models for the Frontier Fields is now available. These lensing models were produced by five different groups, andinclude magnification, shear, and surface density maps. The first set of models are for mosaics created from archival images of Abell 2744.More clusters will be released in the near future as the Frontier Field observations begin. Also included is an online magnification calculatorfor use with these models, and, for the first time, interactive displays for the models. These models can all be accessed from theFrontier Fields Lens Models pageAccess to all HST data on these fields:Via your browser: is the starting navigation point to all the data on these clusters.
FTP: ftp archive.stsci.edu and login as anonymous. cd /pub/hlsp/frontier From there you can navigate through the site to find the field and data of interest.
WGET You can download whole directories of data using wget commands like:wget -nH --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off
Abell 2744catalogs/subaru/images/hst/models/ MACSJ0416.1-2403catalogs/clash/subaru/images/hst/models/ MACSJ0717.5+3745catalogs/clash/subaru/images/hst/models/ MACSJ1149.5+2223catalogs/clash/subaru/images/hst/models/ Abell S1063catalogs/clash/lasilla2.2m/images/hst/models/ Abell 370catalogs/images/hst/models/ 2ff7e9595c