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Piazza Homework Site


Late homeworks are not accepted. The two lowest homework scores will be dropped before computing your grade. Important class policies and required legal disclaimers are found here. Please read them.var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? " " : " ");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));try var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12943815-1");pageTracker._trackPageview(); catch(err) Last modified: Sun Nov 06 09:55:17 CST 2022 by sottile

piazza homework site

Asking Questions About Homework We will use Piazza for homework and class discussions. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, the TA, and faculty. Do not email questions to the teaching staff; instead post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email

Challenge Problems are designed to let you explore a topic in more depth and are more challenging than homeworks and labs. Challenge problems are optional. Some of them provide extra credit. If you want extra credit, you must work on them individually, with no help from anyone or any external sources. No partial credit is given for challenge problems. Finally, for extra credit, you must submit a solution by the deadline.

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser intended to provide secure testing by allowing access to only those sites/apps (e.g., a Canvas quiz) as designated by the instructor.

  • Modality: During Winter 2023

  • All lectures will be delivered in-person, and podcasted. Some may occasionally switch to remote format (via Zoom). Synchronous attendance is strongly recommended.

  • All discussion sections will be in-person, with the exception of Sections A21, A22, A23, and A24, which will meet remotely via Zoom at the scheduled times.

  • The midterm and final will be administered in-person, at the announced times, with no exceptions.

  • Masking is optional in indoor classrooms and instructional settings, which includes lecture, discussion, office hours, and exams. Any updates to this policy will be announced here and on Canvas.

  • Canvas: The LMS (learning management system) for this course is Canvas. The Canvas page for this course is combinedfor all three lectures A00, B00, and C00.Canvas will be used in various ways through the course, but this course webpage is the main portal for the course.

  • Piazza: We will use Piazza, an online discussion board, as a principal communication tool.It will allow you to post messages and answer posts made by your fellow students, about course content, homework, exams, etc. The instructors and TAs will also monitor and post to Piazza regularly.We will also use Piazza Live Q&A is the main communication tool during lectures (as the chat will be disabled). You can access Piazza through Canvas, or directly.Please note: there are student run forums on Discord and Reddit that may have sections devoted to Math 18. These are not official course resources. Your instructors may try to interactwith students on those forums, mostly to try to make sure any informaiton shared there is accurate, but students should use those, and any other non-official resources, at their own risk.We cannot guarantee that anything posted there is accurate, or conforms to class policies.

  • Gradescope: We will use Gradescope to grade your exams in this course. Any online quizzes/exams will be implemented throughGradescope Online Assignments. You will be able to view your graded assignments in Gradescope once they are graded and published. You are encouraged to take advantage of Pearson's"temporary access without payment for 14 days," which will let you do the MyLab homework and access the eText for free for two weeks, in case there is a possibility that you will drop the course.You will have the option to purchase access after the two weeks is over, and your homework scores during the trial period will be saved.

  • Lecture Recordings: The lectures for this course will be recorded in two ways: through Kaltura, accessible in Canvas,and by podcast.

  • Textbook: The required textbook for this course is Linear Algebra and its Applications w/ MyMathLab/eBook (6th Edition), by David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, and Judi J. McDonald. This is the textbook available at the UC San Diego bookstore. If you choose to purchase it elsewhere, be aware that you need MyLab access, which is included with the bookstore version of the textbook but not with all versions. Note: you may also forego the physical textbook and just purchase a MyLab access code directly from the publisher Pearson the first time you login to MyLab (through Canvas); this includes access to the ebook version of the textbook.

  • Discussion Sections are a required component of this course. You must attend your scheduled discussion section each week (on time) to receive full credit in the class. The discussion sections will involve community building and active learning, and will play a key role in your success at mastering linear algebra. If you have a legitimate, well-documented, and unavoidable circumstance that prevents you from attending your scheduled Discussion Section you are one week, it may be possible for you to switch and attend a different Discussion Section instead. A Google Form will be available on Canvas to request this; you must submit a request no later than 48 hours before your scheduled section time. Space in discussion sections is limited, and not all requested swaps may be honored. This is meant to be a one-time event, not a regular occurrence. Note: this does not apply to Weeks 3 and 8, when Quizzes are held during section; all students must take the Quiz only in their scheduled Discussion Section.

  • MyLab Homework: Weekly homework will be assigned through MyLab, the online Pearson homework system. You will find the assignments through the MyLab link in Canvas.See the syllabus for more details.

  • MATLAB:One component of our coursework is a series of MATLAB assignments, and a MATLAB quiz at the end. You will sign up for a MATLABsection and submit your MATLAB work through gradescope. All information releventt to the MATLAB component of Math 18 can be foundhere.

  • Exams:In this course there will be two quizzes (in Discussion Sections in Weeks 4 and 8), one evening midterm exam, and one final exam. Dates, times, and locations are posted below.Note that there will be no make-up dates for the quizzes or midterm. If you must miss one of these, the credit they count for will be transferred to a portion ofthe final exam (see the syllabus for more details). There will be no alternate times for the final exam; if you cannot take the final exam at its scheduled time,you should not enroll in this class.

Prerequisite: Math Placement Exam qualifying score, or AP Calculus AB score of 3 (or equivalent AB subscore on BC exam), or SAT II Math Level 2 score of 650 or higher,or Math 4C, or Math 10A, or Math 20A, or consent of instructor.

Homework: Homework is a very important part of the course and in order to fully master the topics it is essential that you work carefully on every assignment and try your best to complete every problem. Weekly homework is assigned through MyLab, accessible in Canvas.Unless otherwise stated, you have unlimited attempts on each homework problem: after three incorrect attempts, you will be offered a "Similar question" which is the same problem but with different numbers.All problems completed before the due date will receive full credit. You may continue to work on problems you didnot complete before the deadline, for 50% credit until the last day of instruction. Your total homework score will be based on all the total possible homework points available; no homework assignmentscores will be dropped at the end of the quarter.

MATLAB: In applications of linear algebra, the theoretical concepts that you will learn in lecture are used together with computers to solve large scale problems. Thus, in addition to your written homework, you will be required to do homework using the computer language MATLAB. The Math 18 MATLAB Assignments page contains all information relevant to the MATLAB component of Math 18. No late MATLAB assignments will be accepted. However, the lowest MATLAB assignment score will be dropped. There will be no make-up MATLAB quiz.

Collaboration Guidlines: You are allowed, and encouraged, to collaborate with other students in the MyLab homework and MATLAB assignments. It is up to your ownbest judgment to make sure you are learning the material through those collaborations. No collaboration is allowed on quizzes or exams. Moreover, "homework assistance"online sites such as Chegg are NEVER allowed for use in this class on homework, quizzes, or exams. Any use of Chegg or similar services will be considered serious Academic Integrity violations.

Regrade Policy: Your quizzes, exams, and MATLAB homework will be graded using Gradescope. If you find errors in grading, you will have anopportunity to request a regrade. A regrade window will be open approximately one week following the due date, during which you can leave careful, thoughtful commentsabout where you feel a grading error was made. No regrade requests will be considered after the specified window.Please note: any regrade request may result in regrading of the entire assignment, and your overall score could go up or down.

Below are links to the lectures for that week. All other material will be provided via D2L (homework, projects, labs, etc.). Please be sure to read the lab (but not start it) prior to attending a synchronous lab section. 2ff7e9595c

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