BusinessFirst! for a Greater Dayton Region, a collaborative economic development organization, has compiled several resources for local businesses, available here.Small Business Administration Disaster Recovery Loans: Long-term, low-interest loans to help businesses recover are available at -programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/economic-injury-disaster-loansSBA Paycheck Protection Program: The SBA stopped taking applications for the Paycheck Protection Program on Aug. 8, 2020. If you've applied and want to learn more about loan forgiveness, visit the SBA's website.
Disaster Related Prc Program Dayton
Emergency medicine has been my academic career for 30 years. After an insightful mentorship by Peter Rosen, M.D., at Denver General from 1977-79, I joined the University of Cincinnati faculty as education director. Moving to Wright State in 1981 to become department chair, I also served as program director until 1989. It remains easy to say "opportunities continue to abound." We assembled a talented group of faculty who are dedicated to academic emergency medicine. The focus of the department has always been education of medical students, residents and faculty. A new and necessary direction is medical readiness. In 2009, I stepped out of the Chair's role, became Vice-Chair and focused my energies on building a new disaster-oriented "theme park" - Calamityville, or more formally the National Center for Medical Readiness-Tactical Laboratory. 2ff7e9595c